Poor bitch wonderfalls
Poor bitch wonderfalls

Through the fog that had settled around her mind, it managed to register that she was being spoken to.

#Poor bitch wonderfalls free

What was so wrong about living passively and avoiding most human interaction? Wasn't free will a standard "gimmie" at birth? Cheated and used, that's how she felt. She didn't want to help anyone, but obviously what she wanted didn't factor in. It was the universe's punishment, had to be. The best she could figure was, her actions set in motion a sequence of events that eventually benefited someone. So far, a lion, a bear, a chameleon, a fish, and flamingos.each had conspired against her.

poor bitch wonderfalls

Well, gave vague, sarcastic commands to, was more like it. What were they? Various tchotchkes, stuffed things, and other inanimate images, with animal faces. Except she found herself inexplicably at Point Q these days, and the disagreeable types that dropped her there were the cause. Point A led to Point B, which led to Point C, however mind-numbing that might be. The rut she once proudly stuck herself in, was now suddenly not hers to control. Alec, a 16-year-old mouth breather, got assistant manager instead. Ever sadder, she was the oldest employee here aside from Peggy, the manager, who denied her a promotion several weeks ago.

poor bitch wonderfalls

At 24, she was two years graduated from Brown with a Philosophy degree, and the most she'd accomplished was getting her name stitched onto a yellow, "Wonderfalls" vest. And they probably disagreed because of her life choices. Standing behind the register, she rationalized that everyone was simply better off if she didn't do much. By extension, that meant it was also a slow day at the "Wonderfalls Gift Emporium." Not that Jaye Tyler noticed, of course consistently refraining from any quantifiable amount of work regardless of customer volume, she just didn't care. On the New York side of Niagara Falls, it was a slow tourism day in the Quad.

Poor bitch wonderfalls