Getting the correct exposure can be difficult even when using a calculator.

The first thing you’ll notice is how dark the image is, that is because I’m showing you my incorrect guess at exposure. Remember that our ultimate goal is to salvage the bad weather by adding drama to the sky which can be done in many ways. This doesn’t always happen and the best thing I can recommend is simply going out and shooting to see what looks best to you. It is also ideal for the sky to be densely filled with clouds which is why overcast tends to work well. What conditions qualify as “great” when shooting with with such long exposure times? Personally I want the clouds to be moving away from my subject and towards my camera, creating a bit of a zoom feel. Thankfully the conditions seemed great for shooting long exposures. As you can see the weather was pretty lackluster and certainly not what I was hoping for.
Believe it or not, I have catalogs full of boring shots, we all do right? This is completely unedited and straight from the camera as if it wasn’t boring enough already. I’d love to say it’s for educational purposes but alas, it was just a boring shot I snapped while waiting for sunset. You might be asking why I even took this shot. Let’s start by looking at what our shot looked like without the filter. Thankfully I was able to salvage the night using my 10-stop ND by turning some fast moving overcast skies into something unique. This is exactly what happened to me last night in the Dolomites of Italy. Hiking to a spot for sunset and having overcast skies can completely ruin your shot. So don’t feel like you absolutely need to have this if you are just starting out, unless of course you enjoy the results it gives. I’d also like to be up front and honest that I don’t use my 10-stop ND very often as it requires certain conditions for results that I find pleasing, more on that later.

I specifically want to focus on using NDs to create long shutter speeds for dramatic effects in the sky.
There are many applications and scenarios you would want an ND filter for, Elia Locardi discusses how to use them in “ Photographing the World” all the time. As long as you are blocking enough light to require a long shutter speed while still daylight outside, say 45-plus seconds, that is all that matters. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a singular ND filter that blocks exactly 10 stops of light. I specifically want to focus on the 10-stop neutral density filter. There are many types of NDs that are used by landscape photographers: 3 stops, 6 stops, 9 stops, and even 16 stops (plus many more).